
Maximise Revenue, Optimise Lifetime Value, and Advance Responsible Gaming

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Advanced AI for Sustainable Revenue

Prioritise Player Protection and Revenue Growth

SPEEQO’s AI drives sustainable revenue while ensuring player safety. Our advanced insights focus on responsible gaming (RG) and maximise lifetime value (LTV) by safeguarding players from gambling harm and optimising engagement strategies.

Proactive Compliance and Risk Management

Efficient Scaling
Efficiently scale RG initiatives to align with global regulations.
Minimise Penalties
Reduce costs and avoid penalties through effective risk management.
Timely Interventions
Implement personalised interventions to enhance player protection.

Enhance Segmentation with AI-Driven Insights

Personalised Interactions
Enhance player relationships with tailored insights based on detailed behavioural analysis.
Targeted Campaigns
Create precise marketing campaigns using advanced segmentation.
Real-time Feedback
Capture and respond to feedback immediately, improving satisfaction and loyalty.

How it works

Lending a listening ear when you need it.

Listen Icon


Speech is one of the most important indicators of mental health. SPEEQO listens to multiple audio inputs of spontaneous speech and reading assignments to identify patterns.

Understand Icon


SPEEQO will catalogue changes in speech patterns that may be a sign of underlying mental health issues(ex.- monotone speech, absolutist words, negative words, long pauses, too many first-person pronouns)

Analyse Icon


Using advanced speech analysis and voice-based machine learning, SPEEQO assigns a personalised mood score and preselects potentially at-risk students, providing in-depth insights alongside manual screening
and assessment tools already present in schools.

Leading the Way in Responsible Gaming

Multilayer Risk Assessment Ready to Scale
Our four-layer risk assessment scores interactions across core and extended risks, speech sentiment, and text sentiment.

SPEEQO Logo Symbol Full Colour

Layer 1
Core Risks

Evaluates the core potential risks associated with gambling behaviour.

Layer 2
Extended Risks

Delves into more nuanced areas of gambling behaviour, identifying specific aspects that might escalate risk.

SPEEQO Logo Symbol Full Colour
SPEEQO Logo Symbol Full Colour

Layers 3 and 4
Sentiment Analysis

Understand the emotinal undercurrents in communication by analysing both the text and tone of responses.

Promoting Responsible Gaming with Advanced AI

Enhance Compliance  - SPEEQO’s AI provides precise player insights and streamlined risk management
Redefine User Segmentation - Use AI driven player segmentation for tailored support to at-risk players
Capture Deep Insights - Enhance RG efforts with targeted questions for insights into player behaviour.
Scientifically-Driven Analysis - Transform feedback into actionable intelligence to enhance safety and support.
Evidenced Based Reporting - provide clear, evidenced-based reports on interactions for regulatory compliance.

Integrate SPEEQO to enhance understanding and show a commitment to responsible RG practices.

SPEEQO for existing data

via plugins and integrations

SPEEQO for targeted feedback

via SDK

Ready to get started?

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